DNL 1° – The Silicon Valley

Geography lesson for pupils in European section. This lesson deals with the Silicon Valley as a case study of productive space.

This article is a freely adapted version of a study carried out by L Carroué on the website : http://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/informations-scientifiques/dossiers-regionaux/etats-unis-espaces-de-la-puissance-espaces-en-crises/articles-scientifiques/silicon-valley-territoire-productif-innovation

Please, find below links to the lecture and documents studied in class.



DNL 1° – The Northeast Megalopolis

This is a geography lesson for pupils in European section. This lesson deals with the Northeast Megalopolis as a case study of metropolitan synergies.

Please, find below links to the lecture and documents studied in class.




Présentation de la mention européenne du baccalauréat

Voici une présentation succincte de la mention européenne du baccalauréat au travers des textes qui la réglementent. Vous trouverez également une description des attentes et du mode d’évaluation de l’enseignement spécifique DNL lié à cette section.

Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour obtenir les informations.


The historian and the memories of WWII in the UK

This is the complete lesson about the chapter The historian and the memories of WWII in the UK for pupils in class of Terminale in European section.

Please, find below links to the lecture and documents studied in class.

The historian and the memories of WWII in the UK

The historian and the memories of WWII in the UK – Images


